Fear Of Flying: How to Deal with it

Most people are surprised to hear that I have a fear of flying. The process of buying the tickets and the idea of leaving town is great! But when it comes to actually getting on the plane and flying, I’m a mess.

The mere thought of being trapped in a metal cylinder that manages to float 30,000 feet in the air at 600 mph? How do you not have concerns about that? I dream of the day where we can teleport to our destination. 

Until that glorious day of teleportation comes, however, I’m going to share how I manage my fear of flying – without medication or an emotional support animal. 


This is the best and easiest tip I can give to someone with a fear of flying. Pop in your headphones and shut your peeps. Once you fall asleep, you’re missing most of the flight, making your fear of flying melt away. If you need help getting to sleep, try taking melatonin, a natural supplement to promote restful sleep. Melatonin is safe and fairly affordable. Try Nature Made Melatonin or Good Night Dust, which is my favorite.  

Make a Playlist or Listen to a Podcast

Take some time to compose a playlist of songs you love or songs that are soothing to you. If you use an app like Spotify, search for “relaxation” playlists. Pro-tip for Spotify: make sure you download the playlist ahead of time or check that’s it’s available offline before you board. “Classical” or “Spa Music” are also great searches. Podcasts are also a great way to take your mind off flying – here are some of my recommendations!

Neck Pillow / Hat

When we’re nervous, we hold tension in our necks. That’s why resting your head and neck is so important when you’re trying to relax. I personally love wearing a beanie or a baseball cap. Something about the constriction around my head makes me feel more secure. A friend of mine asks for an extra blanket to cover her entire body. To each their own! 

Give Yourself a Task

Can’t sleep or don’t want to take melatonin? No problem. Figure out the length of the flight and assign yourself tasks for that amount of time. Perhaps you have some work to get done or a blog that needs editing. Read a book, bring a coloring book, cross-stitch, write a letter to your Grandparents (they’ll love it!), edit photos… you get it. Just keep busy

Avoid Caffeine

Avoid caffeine 4-6 hours prior to flying. Caffeine can encourage nervousness, restlessness, and increased heart rate, none of which you want in addition to your existing fear of flying. 

Look at the Flight Attendant

Remember, flight attendants fly every day for a living. Most turbulence isn’t going to phase them, so if you start getting nervous, look over at a crew member. Their calmness just might rub off on you.

Use the Am I Going Down app

I discovered this app a few months ago and have been surprised by how many people knew about it before I did! It’s a simple app where you put your originating airport, your destination, airline, and type of aircraft you’re flying on. The app then calculates the chances of your plane crashing. It might sound counterintuitive (and a little morbid,) but the whole point is to show you how low the odds are of your plane going down. When my anxiety is high, I’ll use it to help take the edge off.


Here are some facts about plane crashes that may actually ease your fear of flying: 

  • The chance of your plane going down is around 1 in 5.4 million (source). 
  • Traveling by car is 100 times more deadly than flying (source). 
  • Since the take-off is most dangerous part of a flight, flying 10,000 miles isn’t twice as risky as flying 5,000 (source).
  • The chance of you getting killed by a shark, bee sting, or lightning is more likely than dying in a plane crash (source).

Obviously none of this is the ultimate cure-all for flight anxiety, but if you suffer from it or know someone that does, every bit can help. Not only do I travel a lot now for pleasure, but I have also worked in the airline industry and worked in jobs that involved frequent travel. None of that ever lessened my flight anxiety because as soon as the plane wiggles, I’m breaking a sweat. So know you’re not alone!  

What are your thoughts about flying? Are you that confident passenger I feel comfortable sitting next to? Or do you have flight anxiety as well? I’d love to know and please share tips if you have any!

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  1. Unknown
    September 5, 2016 / 2:45 pm

    Oh my goodness me too! Growing up on an island air travel was a must but I hate it. I can land in jersey without having a complete meltdown, short runway you see. Even with all my travels I still panic. Looking at the stewardesses! I always do that too. I'm getting worse the older I get bizarrely but Glad I'm not the only seasoned traveler that has this issue.

  2. Allison
    September 5, 2016 / 5:05 pm

    I also have travel anxiety when it comes to flying. I've been flying for years and I still hate it. I've always hoped I'd get over it but nope. Not yet. Thankfully, the kids are usually with me when I travel and they keep me busy so my mind isn't focused on my fear.

  3. Unknown
    September 6, 2016 / 1:29 am

    Good tips for mild fears. If you fear is "heavy-duty," you'll need something like this a.co/0n0P5v2 

  4. Anonymous
    September 8, 2016 / 11:36 pm

    Omg I need that AM I GOING DOWN APP! I have many Flight Attendant friends that kept on telling me to apply to work with them. They assumed that I enjoy flying but the truth is I hate it! My go-to solution? Get wine sleepy 😉 Love this post!

  5. alex
    September 9, 2016 / 6:09 pm

    Ha that app is hilarious! I have a husband who quotes these facts to me though 😉 Definitely keeping busy is a good strategy. And live life to the full – that way, if you do go down, you'll have no regrets 😉 #FlyAwayFriday

  6. TravelBlond
    September 10, 2016 / 2:00 am

    Oh my ! The name of this app is pretty terrifying …I am lucky I don't fear the flying but I do get motion sickness. Not even sure which one of these is better ))))
    I think a good dose of melatonin should take away the fear. Recognizing the fear is the first step to fight it. I think you have all the possible strategies listed in your article!

  7. Courtney @ Travel Daze
    September 10, 2016 / 3:46 am

    I've never liked flying & mostly stuck to traveling domestically by car. Unfortunately my car can't take me overseas 🙁 My anxiety about flying has mostly gone away by now that I'm used to it, but I still hate flying because I can't stand being cramped up for so long & it's impossible for me to sleep on airplanes. I mostly just listen to music and color.

  8. Kreete
    September 10, 2016 / 4:10 am

    Great article! I have to share this with my partner. He loves travelling as much as I do, but is the worst flier I know! On our way from Europe to Australia, the second leg of the 24 hour journey was bumpy to say the least with a lot of turbulence and he was holding/squeezing my hand almost the whole time! HA! It's amazing how sometimes a person who you seem mentally very strong crumbles when it comes to flying, event hough driving a car is way more dangerous!! Thanks for sharing! I will share this in my Twiter (:

  9. Kreete
    September 10, 2016 / 4:11 am

    I ment Twitter haha!

  10. Unknown
    September 10, 2016 / 4:20 am

    OMG I did not know about this app! My boyfriend is going to love it haha – he's a stats freak and is scared of flying as well! I find that sleeping works the best, and one or two glasses of wine helps me too!

  11. Me Squared
    September 10, 2016 / 5:21 am

    I can definitely relate to this post…I get anxiety when I'm flying as well, especially if there is turbulence – in small planes is the worst! I love that idea of the Am I Going Down app, what a genius idea to calm your nerves. Thanks for the helpful tips, I'll try some of these out on my flight across the country in a couple of weeks. 🙂

  12. Lyn @ aholeinmyshoe
    September 11, 2016 / 4:28 am

    Fortunately I do not have a fear of flying, but have a friend we travel with often who does. I will make sure to share this post for her.

  13. Unknown
    September 11, 2016 / 6:57 am

    Wow, that's great Kana! While I'm not normally afraid of flying, at the first sign of turbulence, I always think it's game over. That app sounds crazy though – does seem a bit morbid, but hey, putting things into perspective is always a good idea ?

  14. Unknown
    September 11, 2016 / 8:45 am

    Thanks, Kana. I'm approaching 2 million miles on one airline, and used to work for another, so I don't have any particular anxiety … but I am closely related to a couple of people who DO get terrified, so I'm passing this post on to them. (Strange, though, that statistics aren't necessarily convincing in the face of this fear!)

  15. D of Love C and D
    September 11, 2016 / 12:00 pm

    Claire is a bit of an anxious flyer too despite having done it lots as kid. I however absolutely love flying; from the rush of the lift off, tto he odd little rollercoaster-esque bump when flying through a cloud, and even the heavily criticised aeroplane food! Whilst I have no fear of flying, I completely understand why many people do and these are some great tips to help alleviate that. We always find watching TV or films helps alot for Claire (although that obviously only works on long haul flights. Thanks for Sharing and happy belated #FlyAwayFriday

  16. Juliette @ Snorkels to Snow
    September 11, 2016 / 9:41 pm

    I used to be terrified of any turbulence when flying and absolutely paranoid the plane was going to crash! But other than I actually liked flying. It was just when I lived in rural NZ and the planes were really tiny and I had to fly through Wellington to get home – and Wellington is the windiest city in NZ, the runway is right on the waterfront and every landing my knuckles would be white from gripping the armrest so tight as the plane bounced from side to side seemingly only a few metres above the ocean…eventually bumping along the runway. Distraction is a brilliant technique though! Colouring in (if it's not bumpy), reading and music are my go-to plane activities.

  17. Natalie
    September 12, 2016 / 9:04 am

    I've never really had any anxiety about flying, I suppose I'm just not the nervous type. But I do always make myself a playlist to listen to for any flight, I definitely think it has a calming affect, plus some mellow music helps put me right to sleep.

  18. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:03 pm

    Oh my gosh! I TOTALLY agree with you! As I get older it's getting worse too! Glad to know I'm not the only one! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  19. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:04 pm

    Me too!!!! It gets worse as I get older, probably because I know there's so much to lose? I'm glad you have your kids to keep you distracted! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  20. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:04 pm

    Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  21. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:07 pm

    I know! The app seems like such a dumb thing but it REALLY makes me feel better, haha! Ahhh, I applied to be a FA tons of times but I'm the same way, I hate flying but love traveling. Oh the conflict. Haha! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  22. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:07 pm

    Haha that's awesome your husband tells you those things! So true about living life to the fullest! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  23. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:09 pm

    That's true, the name is terrible but it does get your attention! Haha 🙂 Oh yes I get motion sickness too! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  24. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:10 pm

    Thanks Kreete! Omg so funny! Your partner is like me, I start sweating and grabbing onto tings, haha! You'll have to let him know about the app, it's not a cure all by any means but it does mentally make me feel better! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  25. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:11 pm

    Omg I love that! Haha, you'll definitely have to introduce your boyfriend to the app. It doesn't fix everything but it helps me a little bit! And YES, wine! Of course 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  26. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:12 pm

    I'm so glad you can relate! Small planes IS the worst, you're so right! Yay, I'm glad you'll be able to use some of the tips! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  27. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:14 pm

    Aww thank you so much! I definitely want to help people even just a little bit! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  28. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:14 pm

    Hi Rob! ME TOO, a little shake and I'm thinking about what I'll miss when I'm dead! So dramatic, I know 🙂 I agree, the app name especially is morbid but the numbers make me feel better! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  29. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:16 pm

    Oh wow! 2 million miles! That's crazy! I used to be an interpreter for Delta Airlines and even meeting a 1 Million Miler was a big deal for us! Thank you so much for passing it on, I'm hoping it helps at least some people! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo P.S You're right, statistics sometimes isn't enough but just a tiny boost helps!

  30. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:17 pm

    Aww that's great you love the rush and enjoy flying! You're just like my Dad, he enjoys everything about it, even the food, haha! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  31. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:20 pm

    Oh my gosh just that story makes me nervous, haha! I'm glad you're safe and sound though 😉 I do enjoy flying for the most part but one sign of turbulence and I'm like, wow I had a good life. Haha, so dramatic! Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  32. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 6:20 pm

    That's great you don't have anxiety! I'm sure it makes your traveling much nicer! Agreed, I have my "Airplane" playlist too with calming music! 🙂 Thanks so much for stopping by! xo

  33. Anonymous
    September 13, 2016 / 9:16 pm

    Ugh I hate flying too. I avoid caffiene like the plague when I fly. It turns me into the most paranoid person when flying. Whats worse too is that EVERYTIME we fly out of Denver, we hit turbulence over the Rockies and it freaks me the eff out!! Haha, great tips! And I love that app!! # FlyAwayFriday

  34. Kana Imamura
    September 13, 2016 / 10:10 pm

    Omg you too?! Haha I didn't know! The app name is a bit morbid but I do like seeing the stats so I feel better! xo

  35. Berkopolo
    May 8, 2017 / 11:32 pm

    wow. this post is amazing. I m also travelling so much and ı have this fear. Thank you very much for your informations

  36. Kana Imamura
    May 11, 2017 / 6:59 pm

    Of course! Thank you so much for stopping by and I'm glad it helped! 🙂