Welcome to the Fly Away Friday link-up! We’re so happy you’re joining us! Grab a cup of coffee, tea or wine (we’re not judging!) and enjoy!
About Fly Away Friday:
Fly Away Friday is a link-up community for travel related blog posts. Hosted byChloefromTime Travel BlondeandKanafromLife in Wanderlust; we wanted to create and cultivate a supportive community of travelers.Every other Fridayat 9:00AM PST, the Fly Away Friday link-up will open for everyone to share their postsall weekend longuntil Sunday at 11:59PM PST.
A Note From Kana:
Happy Friday, everyone! I feel like it’s been forever since we had a link-up even though it’s only been 2 weeks 🙂 The past few weeks, I was in Tokyo enjoying the gorgeous cherry blossom season, was back in LA for a day, then flew out to Detroit for a sports-filled weekend! Now that I’m back, I’m down with a mean case of bronchitis and have been bedridden the past week. I just need to get better before heading off to New York!
If you’re interested, in a couple of weeks, I’m doing aQ&Aon my blog and would love to see if any of you have questions! It can be about blogging, traveling, or even personal questions! If I answer your question, I’ll be linking back to your blog or preferred channel on the post!Here’s the link to ask a Q!https://goo.gl/forms/GYFLkn4q1L1wli1E3
Link-Up Update:My Co-Host Chloe welcomed her baby boy into this world last Friday! Understandably she’ll need a break and will be taking a maternity leave from the link-up. We’ll miss her but thankfully, Janine from Fill My Passport stepped up and volunteered to be our interim Co-Host! I’m so excited that she’ll be a part of this link-up!
Link Up Rules:
Link up toonetravel or lifestyleblog postbelow.
Visit and comment on both the host’s links and at least 2 others.
Share the #FlyAwayFriday love through other social channels – tag us or use the hashtag so we can see and repost them!
Do you have Pinterest? If so, we have a Fly Away Friday Pinterest board that we’d love for you to join! Let me know in the comments below with your Pinterest handle so I can follow you and invite you to collaborate on it!
Have fun, meet new amazing travelers, make friends and don’t forget to come backMay 5th!
I'd love to join the pinterest board! I'm @anaussieinsf 🙂
I'd love to join the pinterest board as well. I'm SterlingTravelr 🙂
Hi…I would like to join the Pintrest Group Board "Fly Away Friday Pintrest Group"
Sure! What's your username on Pinterest? Or if you can send me a message on Pinterest, I can invite you that way as well! xo
I invited you! 🙂 xo
I invited you! xo
Looking forward to your Q&A.
My user name on Pintrest is @1adventuretrave
Great! Sent you an invite! xo
Thank you so much for submitting a question, Vera! xo
Would also love to join the Pinterest board: @InsiderFamilies
Done! Looking forward to your contributions! xo