Welcome to another ‘L.A Locals Love..‘ where I feature exciting places to eat, explore and visit in the Greater Los Angeles area. If you haven’t read my other local posts, click here!
Today I wanted to share a new Cirque du Soleil experience: Kurios – Cabinet of Curiosities. Thanks to a friend, I was able to participate in the Media Night where they perform for travel authorities, magazine PR and other influencers in the area before their Opening Night, which is today, Thursday October 15th for Costa Mesa.

The iconic Cirque tents were up in the Orange County Fairgrounds along with some fun music when we got there; it’s so funny how giddy it makes you feel before even entering the tent. When you first enter the doors of the outer tent, it’s filled with vendors, bars, photo booths and souvenir shops where you get to hang out for a while prior to the main tent doors opening. The prices on any item sold there is as expected; fairly pricey. For example, a drink+popcorn+candy is $18.

About 20 minutes or so before the show, the main tent doors open.I can’t emphasize enough that there really are no bad seats in the tent. It’s much more intimate than you would expect despite the price differences. I completely understand wanting to sit near the front but if you’re price-conscious, don’t worry – none of the seats are bad since it’s so small.
Like other Cirque shows, some funny characters walk through the isles before the show officially starts, which is always so much fun. Kurios has kind of this rustic toy-box theme which I completely adored!
The show was phenomenal. The music alone was fantastic (I’m listening to the soundtrack as I write this!) as well as the costuming. The performers and the things they are capable of are mind-blowing. The acrobatics, trampolinists, balancers, contortionists, flyers, jugglers – I mean, wow. I’m surprised they didn’t start and end the show with: please, do not try any of this at home.
I’m not going to give the show away but I can tell you I was transported into a different world for those two hours and so badly wished it wouldn’t end. I was pulled away from reality for that time and was in awe for the entirety of it, completely engulfed in the magic they created in such a small space. When in life, especially as an adult, do you get to experience something like that?

Cirque du Soleil – Kurios: Cabinet of Curiosities will be in Costa Mesa starting 10/15 through 11/29 and will hop on out to Los Angeles starting 10/10.
Videography and photography were obviously prohibited during the show so I apologize for the lack of performer photos but that just means you’ll have to go see it for yourself; I can’t recommend it enough, so much so I’ll be going again!
Have you seen Kurios? Which Cirque du Soleil is your favorite? I would love to know so I can go to those, too!
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I LOVE cirque de soleil and have been to a couple of shows. They are pricey but always amazing. I will have to keep my eye open for this one in Oz.
Oh and Thanks for joining in #wednesdaywanderlust this week 🙂
Beautiful!!! I still haven't be to Cirque de Soleil!! On my bucket list 😀
Thank you for linking up with #MondayEscapes
Often featured in circus performances, such as in Cirque de Soilel, this wheel has gained popularity since 2003, when Daniel Cyr either created it or ….. to see amazing performances, awesome acrobatic skill, and graceful movement, pick up tickets to any Cirque-type show and prepare to be impressed. vegas tickets
The best electronica ringtones in 2018
Hi everyone!
Does your phone have good and attractive ringtones? Today I will share with you the best electronica ringtones in 2018. You can refer and see more instructions to download ringtones for your phone.
Top ringtone for your phone:
– Anywhere (Remix) ringtone
– Mile Ho Tum By Lucky ringtone
– Hamara Hal Na Pucho ringtone
– Rachel Platten – Fight Song ringtone
– La La La ringtone
There are also many other ringtones, you can see more at the homepage: ringtonesmobile.net/
All ringtones are downloaded for free. Hope some of our updates can bring a whole new look to the ringtone market worldwide.