One of Fly Away Friday OG’s, Moira from Style Pack Go reached out about being November’s Featured Friends and I have to say, I was ecstatic. I’ve always loved her demeanor, her participation in link-ups or groups and her blog that’s a fusion of fashion and travel, which she does seamlessly. Truth: we’ve been trying to get together for what feels like almost a year now, haha! I live in Southern California and Moira comes down here quite a bit for her actress/director career (I know, super exciting – don’t worry, I made sure to ask about it in the interview!) so we’ve been talking about grabbing lunch. With our busy schedules though, we haven’t been able to make it happen. I’m really hoping that it’s soon!
Anyway, I had a fun time interviewing this multi-talented lady and I know you’ll enjoy getting to know her as well. Let’s get started!

1. Tell us about yourself!
I’m an actress and a writer living in California. I inherited my wanderlust from my mom who started whisking my sisters and me (and our dad of course) around the world when we were still quite young. So travel really feels as though it is an intrinsic part of who I am. I’ve been fortunate to travel and live in many different places all the while studying and performing theater and, more recently, commercials and film.
2. Tell us about your blog, Style Pack Go and what inspired you to start?
I spent Christmas in Zurich a few years and even though I’m not fluent in French, I’m good enough to get by. We had just arrived and were sitting at a communal table having some breakfast after a very early and long travel day. The women at the other end of our table were chatting about me. They knew I was American and were, let’s say, gossiping about me. It struck me that I really don’t want to obviously stand out as a tourist. When I travel I want to be wearing the right pieces so that I don’t stand out as a tourist. Of course, I also want to look great in my vacation pics (who doesn’t) I mean we share so much now it’s important to look good in our social feeds. So I decided to start asking my friends in the fashion world what to pack for the cities they are from or were living in at the time and the blog was born.

3. I love that your blog isn’t just a Travel Blog, is also has a Style/Fashion aspect. How did you come up with the marriage of two worlds?
I am totally fashion obsessed. I just am. But I’m realistic about it, cotton tank tops from Target, anyone? For me travel and fashion go hand in hand. When traveling, one needs to have comfortable pieces – the word practical comes to mind – but you don’t want to walk around Paris in sneakers and yoga pants, because, come on. So it just makes total sense to me to write about style and travel together. Because you can totally look great without sacrificing comfort.
4. What’s your favorite piece of clothing that you bring to every or most trips?
Gosh, that’s a tough one. I have this extra big scarf from White+Warren that I just love (I think it might even be called the travel wrap). It’s huge and cashmere and so cozy. I’ve had it for years and it still hasn’t pilled – it’s amazing. I use it on the plane to wrap up in and I always run cold so it’s usually around my shoulders for dinners out. It’s really my travel talisman.

5. It’s clear from your blog that you’ve traveled quite a bit. Where are your top 3 most memorable destinations?
I absolutely loved Jordan. Petra was magical, no really, it was magical. We were told a couple of tricks about going before we arrived so we ended up in Petra by ourselves both at the beginning and
the end of the day for a couple of hours. It was like we were discovering it, we were all alone and it was dead silent. We got to watch the sun rise and set on the facade of The Treasury, it’s something I’ll never forget.
Another place is South Africa. My husband is from South Africa so I’ve been loads at this point. It is a stunning country with a lot to offer, we always have such a lovely time when we are there. And I have the best stories from the trips. It’s a stunning place.
And lastly, the Galapagos. Seriously, it was amazing. The wildlife and flora and fauna there are like something out of a Dr. Seuss book. Our guide had been a middle school science teacher and so he was fun and interesting and relayed all the information in an easy to digest way. It was great.

6. If money or time wasn’t an issue, where’s 3 destinations you would like to go to?
I’ve got my eye on Samarkand. I was a history major in college and I think it would be so fascinating to see the remains of this ancient city that was once heaving because of the trade on the Silk Road. I’m dying to go to Hong Kong and Vietnam (together, so that only counts as one, right?), and third Tanzania for the great migration.
7. If you could come up with a head to toe outfit that would universally be appropriate, what pieces would you put together?
Always denim always, always, always. Just a pair that you feel amazing in. A white tee shirt (sub long sleeve or fitted white cashmere sweater for different weather), a leather jacket (I love my Vince scuba leather jacket), and a scarf (of course, dependent on weather). Shoes are a little trickier because it depends on the jeans you are wearing and the city you are in. Right now, white Addidas sneakers or lace up boots would be my choice. But if you want to be a little dressier, a great pair of flats (like Aquazzura or Chloe).

8. We all want to know, what’s life like as an actress?
Well some days are very exciting but mostly it’s just a regular job. I have met a ton of celebrities at this point which always feels special and is fun. But the thing that stands out the most is that I get to be a part of fun collaborations and have really great conversations with people about the business and creative process of telling stories, which, in essence is what I really love.
9. What do you hope to accomplish through Style Pack Go?
I think it would be so much fun to have Style Pack Go be a TV series. It would bring all my passions together at the same time, what could be better than that?

10. Anything else you’d like to tell the readers?
Please enjoy my blog and let me know your thoughts! I love hearing from everyone.
Follow Moira everywhere!
Blog: http://www.stylepackgo.com
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mdennis11
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/stylepackgo
Don’t you love how Moira melds travel and fashion together? I absolutely love the name, “Style Pack Go” and her logo, too – it’s perfection! I’m really looking forward to meeting Moira someday (soon, hopefully!) and chatting about both travel and fashion! Thank you again, Moira for gracing your presence on my blog. I absolutely loved having you!
Want to read other Featured Friends? Click here.
Want to be the next Featured Friends? Due to overwhelming response on interviews, I now have a section dedicated to bloggers wanting to work with this blog. Click here to find out more.
This is an interesting take on travel and fashion. Way to go on finding a way to combine the things you love! #flyawayfriday
I love all of Moira's outfits in this post! And I am absolutely HOPELESS at fitting in when I travel. Fashion is not my forte, I'm definitely going to spend more time on her blog now! #FlyawayFriday
This is a very interesting interview! I think it is cool to meet people in the film and TV industry and understand a bit better how things work there. I went to graduate school with several actresses and actors and it was eye opening to talk to them. I am eager to check Moira's blog! #FlyAwayFriday
As always, Kana, this is a very interesting interview. It is always fun to read more about other bloggers and get to know them. Moira is certainly talented for being able to combine acting & style with travel (and of course blogging)! #FlyAwayFriday
This is fascinating. Sometimes I wish that I could have someone who is interested in fashion come and tell me how to change my wardrobe. Because fashion is so not my forte. And I would totally watch her tv show if it ever came to light. #FlyAwayFriday
Great interview! I am definitely someone who abandons fashion on road, I don't know how people can look so stylish whilst they travel! #flyawayfriday
Great read, really interesting interview. I am definitely one for comfort on the move, and find packing ahead for long trips overwhelming!
We are just considering whether or not to go to the Galapogas Islands so this is food for thought!
Thanks for sharing this #FlyawayFriday
Thanks Tiffany, I really love it!! xx Moira
I totally understand how you feel. It's one of the reasons I started the blog. Hope to 'see' you at Style Pack Go! xx Moira
Thanks Ruth! I wonder if we know anyone in common… xx Moira
I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It feels seamless to combine everything because it's such a big part of who I am. xx Moira
Hi Allison, I'm so happy that it's a show you would watch!! It's always great to have support. But, I know, right? I totally want someone to just tell me what to wear every day. The. Struggle. Is. Real. xx Moira
Check out the blog! Because I'm also all about comfort as well. xx Moira
Hi Vicky! If you do go to the Galapagos – be sure to take warm clothes. We went in early September and I had to wear my fleece everyday! xx Moira
This was great to read, and in many ways made me think of my 15yo daughter. Before we went to London, she researched how people dressed there so we wouldn't stand out as tourists. It worked too. It's the first time I appreciated how fashion and travel go together. I'll have to tell her about this blog 🙂 #flyawayfriday
Such a fun series. Loved learning more about Moria! #FlyAwayFriday
Hi Sherrie, Your daughter sounds pretty amazing. I love that she researched street style before you traveled, well done to her! Next time, she can use my blog as a resource! x Moira
Thanks Liana! Hope to see you over at Style Pack Go! xx Moira
Boy you have travelled to some of the most awesome spots! I am dying to go to Jordan and the Galapagos. Beautiful. I love your style and think you truly are a fashion aficionado.